Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Real Life is 9.30.08

How real life is. Things you would expect to never happen, are the exact things that do happen. Sickness begins to overwhelm your state of mind and your whole life. it seeps into the tiny crevices that exist within all corners; digging up a hole for itself so that it never has to exit and see the light of day. Rather, it pillages your hope and dreams in the form of thoughts, decisions, actions, words, and anything else one's puny mind can understand. How real life is. That sometimes we as people do not have the will to continue living within it. So we learn to cope with our situations convincing ourselves that they will get better. It works out in our minds. That's about the only place that it does. Everywhere else ... its a disaster. Call it disaster realization. When we finally realize that things are not working out as planned, that's when we begin to act. Maybe just maybe ... when we do act... our time is finally up. So i propose we act before this little death reaches us. We must let go of the things we consider impossible and learn to understand that everything is possible. Its a radical idea on our parts. Yet, we must let go of the fear of the unknown and learn to overcome it. We must not be like the billions of people in the planet that live their lives blindly without a voice. Speak and be heard, Listen and Understand, Act and be the change.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Layout Update 9.26.08

We have redesigned our blog to include a new layout and a couple of new functions in the sidebar. Expect a lot of new content heading your way very soon.

- Loopholezz Team

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Death of Hope

Wednesday Wisdom - with: Eduardo Estrella

Dont forget to leave a comment or a video response!

"hope is, in fact, a curse, a bane....hope leads us away from the present, away from who and where we are right now and toward some imaginary future state." - Derrick Jensen

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Beyond Hope - Derrick Jensen
( http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.ph... )


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Earth Before and After!

Earth is being destroyed at an alarming rate. Our way of living is destroying the only home we have, when are we going to change, or stand up and do something?

Virginity for Sale

"Natalie Dylan" is a 22 year old college student whom is auctioning off her virginity at a brothel in order to pay for her college education. How do you feel about this? Do you consider it moral, immoral, right, wrong? let me know. Leave a txt comment or a video response below.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We are destroying the planet at an alarming rate. Yet, I feel that we can stop this by harnessing other forms of energy, recycling, changing out bad habits, going "green" in a sense; and truly being to CARE about the environment and ourselves. This planet was meant to sustain life, not be a grave site for it.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm Beautiful!

Society has told us that we are not good enough, we are not pretty enough, that we are not worthy of existing. Yet, i reject that statement and the concept. We are each beautiful in our own individual ways. Different Shapes, Forms, Ways. Live Life with a strong self confidence and being secure of who you are and not letting anything bother you. You are Beautiful. I am beautiful.

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Elections Poem

We are all seeking for CHANGE in America. Up in arms about BARACK OBAMA and JOHN MCCAIN. We must realize that true change can only come about when we unite as citizens and DO SOMETHING. If we rely completely on these elected officials we will head down the same weary road. JOIN THE MOVEMENT.

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